
Become a member of Rotary and help make your community a better place

Becoming a member of Rotary will be one of the most fulfilling  decisions you’ve made. We are a family of likeminded individuals with a common goal of leaving a positive impact on our communities.

Not only are we committed to helping out in the local community, we are part of a larger organisation that aims to improve the standard of living worldwide.

Enquire about membership


Most frequent questions and answers

There is an annual fee of $250 that goes directly to Rotary International to fund the goals of Rotary International.

No, although there are opportunities to support the international activities that Rotary are involved in, most work we do is in our local community.

As a club, we meet fortnightly at The Halekulani in Budgewoi, Via video conference or at a restaurant confirmed prior to the meeting.

Initially, no. Although we find most members become involved in different board positions in time. There are also National events that you can be involved in.

We encourage our members to be as active as possible, but this does not mean you need to be involved in every ativity.

Membership is renewed annually, and can be cancelled at any time by notification.